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Information on one representative experimental series for each unique gene studied. For information on all experimental series with a gene, click on gene name or number. Other links provide details on the specific series shown.

C. elegans are shown with a grey background | C briggsae are shown with a blue background
expression tree gene total series series shown movie
tree thumb alr-1 R08B4.2 2 20081016_alr-1_10A2_3_L1 gif
tree thumb ama-1 F36A4.7 1 20080412_ama-1_3A3_5 gif
tree thumb B0310.2 B0310.2 4 20080905_B0310_2_13_L1 gif
tree thumb B0336.3 B0336.3 1 20090505_B0336_3_13_L1 gif
tree thumb C01B7.1 C01B7.1 1 20080504_C01B7_1_6 gif
tree thumb C05D10.1 C05D10.1 1 20090812_C05D10_1b_3_L1 gif
tree thumb C08B11.3 C08B11.3 2 20071013_C08B11_3_6 gif
tree thumb C25D7.10 C25D7.10 1 20090401_C25D7_10_1_L2 gif
tree thumb C50F7.5 C50F7.5 1 20080305_c50f7_5_7 gif
tree thumb ceh-14 F46C8.5 1 20081010_ceh-14_8F2_14_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-16b ceh-16b 1 20081013_ceh-16_b7_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-21 T26C11.6 2 20080914_ceh-21_6_L2 gif
tree thumb ceh-26 K12H4.1 1 20090518_ceh-26_10b1_3_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-27 F46F3.1 1 20080709_ceh-27_1_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-32 W05E10.3 2 20080731_ceh-32_4_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-36 C37E2.4 4 20080822_ceh-36b4_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-41 T26C11.5 2 20080808_ceh-41_2_L1 gif
tree thumb ceh-43 C28A5.4 4 20071217_ceh-432x3 gif
tree thumb ceh-6 K02B12.1 1 20090215_ceh-6_9H1_B_L1 gif
tree thumb cep-1b cep-1b 1 20090706_cep-1_b_1_L1 gif
tree thumb cnd-1 C34E10.7 9 20080428_cnd-1_3C3_6 gif
tree thumb cwn-1 K10B4.6 1 20070716_cwn-1_5 gif
tree thumb D1081.8 D1081.8 2 20080819_D1081_8_L1 gif
tree thumb die-1 C18D1.1 3 20080220_die-1_3e4_10 gif
tree thumb dmd-4 C27C12.6 1 20080815_dmd-4b_L1 gif
tree thumb dpl-1 T23G7.1 1 20090803_dpl-1_8_L2 gif
tree thumb dpy-31 R151.5 1 20091023_dpy-31_3_L2 gif
tree thumb dpy-7 F46C8.6 1 20070806_dpy-7_1 gif
tree thumb dsl-1 W09G12.4 1 20080501_dsl-1_5 gif
tree thumb dve-1 ZK1193.5 1 20080905_dve-1_15_L1 gif
tree thumb dyf-7 dyf-7 2 030906_dyf7red gif
tree thumb eft-3 F31E3.5 1 20070308_eft3 gif
tree thumb egl-27b egl-27b 3 20070722_egl-27_b gif
tree thumb egl-27c egl-27c 1 20090414_egl-27c_L1 gif
tree thumb egl-5 C08C3.1 4 20080728_egl-5_7E3_3_L1 gif
tree thumb elt-1 W09C2.1 1 20080128_elt-1_3 gif
tree thumb elt-2 C33D3.1 2 20080911_elt-2_7E1_5_L1 gif
tree thumb elt-6 F52C12.5 4 20070731_elt-6_8 gif
tree thumb elt-7 C18G1.2 1 20070310_elt7_c2a gif
tree thumb end-1 F58E10.2 1 20071015_end-1_1 gif
tree thumb end-3 F58E10.5 4 011505_end1red_bright gif
tree thumb eor-1 R11E3.6 2 20090217_eor-1_9G1_13_L1 gif
tree thumb F09G2.9 F09G2.9 2 20090519_F09G2_9_6_L1 gif
tree thumb F16B12.6 F16B12.6 2 20090331_F16B12_6_1_L1 gif
tree thumb F17C11.1 F17C11.1 1 20091116_F17C11_5_12_L1 gif
tree thumb F21A10.2 F21A10.2 2 20081030_F21A10_2a_10_L1 gif
tree thumb F21D5.9 F21D5.9 3 20080909_F21D5_9_5_L1 gif
tree thumb F23F12.9 F23F12.9 1 20080924_F23F12_9_3_L1 gif
tree thumb F28C6.1 F28C6.1 2 20081002_F28C6_1_2_L1 gif
tree thumb F38C2.7 F38C2.7 1 20080828_F38C2_7_12_L2 gif
tree thumb hmg-1.2 F47D12.4 1 20090309_F39B2_1_7_L1 gif
tree thumb F47H4.1 F47H4.1 2 20081007_F47H4_1_14_L1 gif
tree thumb F58D2.1 F58D2.1 1 20090806_F58D2_1_2_L1 gif
tree thumb fkh-4 C29F7.5 3 20090331_fkh-4_11D3b24 gif
tree thumb ges-1 R12A1.4 2 20070110_Ges1-4 gif
tree thumb glp-1 F02A9.6 2 20080714_glp-1_5_L2 gif
tree thumb his-72 Y49E10.6 1 20070403_his72_D1A gif
tree thumb hlh-1 B0304.1 5 20080527_hlh-1_6B4_3_L1 gif
tree thumb hlh-16 DY3.3 1 20080812_hlh-16_12_L1 gif
tree thumb hlh-26 C17C3.8 2 20070805_hlh-26_9 gif
tree thumb hlh-3 T24B8.6 1 20071013_hlh_3_5 gif
tree thumb hmg-11 T05A7.4 1 20090810_hmg-11_7_L1 gif
tree thumb hnd-1 C44C10.8 5 20070727_hnd-1_6 gif
tree thumb hsp-3 C15H9.6 1 20070314_hsp3_a1a gif
tree thumb irx-1 C36F7.1 1 20090531_irx-1_b1_L1 gif
tree thumb isw-1 F37A4.8 1 20090511_isw-1_3_L1 gif
tree thumb K02G10.1 K02G10.1 1 20081024_K02G10_1_4_L1 gif
tree thumb lin-1 C37F5.1 1 20060719_lin1_10 gif
tree thumb lin-11 ZC247.3 1 200806024_lin-11_7H3_1_L1 gif
tree thumb lin-13 C03B8.4 2 20080814_lin-13_6B12_1_L1 gif
tree thumb lin-26 F18A1.2 1 20080812_lin-26_1_L1 gif
tree thumb lin-32 T14F9.5 1 20080923_lin-32_1_L1 gif
tree thumb lin-39 C07H6.7 3 20080218_lin-39_3d3_6 gif
tree thumb lir-2 F18A1.4 1 20091119_lir-2_OP175_L1 gif
tree thumb mab-5 C08C3.3 2 20081031_mab-5_3F4_10_L1 gif
tree thumb med-2 K04C2.6 2 20080528_med-2_6B3_1_L2 gif
tree thumb mel-28 C38D4.3 1 20091113_mel-28_2_L1 gif
tree thumb mep-1 M04B2.1 1 20090401_mep-1_11C1_8_L1 gif
tree thumb mir-57 T09A5.13 2 20060516_mi57 gif
tree thumb mir-61 F55A11.9 1 20060915_mir61_e16 gif
tree thumb mml-1 T20B12.6 2 20070802_mml1_b gif
tree thumb mnm-2 C10A4.8 1 20081024_mnm-2_7_L1 gif
tree thumb moe-3 F32A11.6 1 20081002_moe-3_8_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-171 C54F6.8 2 20080819_nhr-171_16_L2 gif
tree thumb nhr-2 C32F10.6 3 20090330_nhr-2_9F1_10 gif
tree thumb nhr-23 C01H6.5 1 200806025_nhr-23_gsIs269_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-25 F11C1.6 3 20071005_nhr-25_h4_8 gif
tree thumb nhr-49 K10C3.6 1 20090813_nhr-49b_5_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-57 T05B4.2 3 20080809_nhr-57_9_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-67 C08F8.8 2 20080929_nhr-67_3_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-68 H12C20.3 2 20081007_nhr-68_14_L1 gif
tree thumb nhr-79 T26H2.9 2 20080807_nhr-79_1_L1 gif
tree thumb no-gfp-control no-gfp-control 1 20080117_pha-4_3e3_9 gif
tree thumb no_rfp_ctrl 7 20071029_noRFP gif
tree thumb nob-1 Y75B8A.2 5 20071212nob1GFP gif
tree thumb pal-1 C38D4.6 3 20090220_pal-1_7A2_9_L1 gif
tree thumb pax-3 F27E5.2 2 20080925_pax-3_3_L1 gif
tree thumb pes-1 T28H11.4 2 20081031_pes-1_7_L1 gif
tree thumb pgp-2 C34G6.4 1 20091127_pgp-2_5_L2 gif
tree thumb pgp-3 ZK455.7 1 20071106_pgp-3_1 gif
tree thumb pha-4 F38A6.1 17 20080418_pha-4_3E3C5_1 gif
tree thumb R144.3 R144.3 3 20090513_R144_3_3_RW10881_L1 gif
tree thumb rad-26 C27B7.4 1 20081006_rad-26_6_L2 gif
tree thumb ref-1 T01E8.2 2 20081014_ref-1_2_L1 gif
tree thumb ref-2 C47C12.3 1 20081030_ref-2a_14_L2 gif
tree thumb sdc-2 C35C5.1 1 20081029_sdc-2_3_L1 gif
tree thumb sdz-28 R52.1 2 20080216_sdz-28_6 gif
tree thumb sdz-38 ZK892.7 1 20081027_sdz-38_1_L1 gif
tree thumb sea-1 F19B10.9 1 20080805_sea-1_5_L1 gif
tree thumb skr-8 C52D10.9 1 20080821_skr-8_1_L1 gif
tree thumb sma-9 T05A10.1 1 20081003_sma-9k_1_L2 gif
tree thumb T22C8.3 T22C8.3 2 20081105_T22C8_3_1_L2 gif
tree thumb T23G5.6 T23G5.6 2 20080909_T23G5_6_15_L1 gif
tree thumb T23H4.2 T23H4.2 2 20081028_T23H4_2_10_L1 gif
tree thumb T28H10.3 T28H10.3 2 20090629_T28H10_3_4_L1 gif
tree thumb tag-185 tag-185 1 20091117_tag-185_b_6_L1 gif
tree thumb tbx-11 F40H6.4 4 20071105_tbx-11_8 gif
tree thumb tbx-35 ZK177.10 2 20080116_tbx-35_2x6 gif
tree thumb tbx-37 Y47D3A.12 2 20080912_tbx-37_b12_L1 gif
tree thumb tbx-38 C24H11.3 3 20070803_tbx-38_9 gif
tree thumb tbx-8 T07C4.2 4 20080708_tbx-8_7G2_1_L2 gif
tree thumb tbx-9 T07C4.6 1 20080221_tbx-9_8 gif
tree thumb tlp-1 T23G4.1 3 20080829_T23G4_1_1_L1 gif
tree thumb tps-2 F19H8.1 2 20090804_tps-2_2_L1 gif
tree thumb ttx-3 C40H5.5 1 20080916_ttx-3_8G1_14_L1 gif
tree thumb unc-130 C47G2.2 2 20089219_unc-130_9E1_8_L2 gif
tree thumb vab-7 M142.4 2 20070725_vab-7_6 gif
tree thumb W10D9.4 W10D9.4 2 20090513_W10D9_4_4_L1 gif
tree thumb Y106G6H.4 Y106G6H.4 1 20080811_Y106G6H_4_9_L2 gif
tree thumb ZK185.1 ZK185.1 1 20080925_ZK185_1_3_L1 gif
briggsae         top
tree thumb egl-5 C08C3.1 1 20090319EGL-5_AF16_L1 gif
tree thumb hlh-1 B0304.1 1 20090218hlh1AF16 gif
tree thumb pha-4 F38A6.1 2 20090316PHA-4_AF16_L2 gif